You need not be a great baker to create a beautiful cake. You can make a beautiful cake for your little girl at home with ease. Simply follow the directions on the cake mix box and below and you’ll have great cakes you’ll be proud to say you made!
Doll Cake
• Materials needed:
o Board large plate
o Aluminum foil
o Cake mix or you can make a homemade cake
o Jar of white icing or you can make your own icing
o Rose tip #124
o Star tip #18 and #16
o Flower tip #190
o Oven proof bowl or wonder mold pan
o Icing bag
o Doll pick
• Instructions:
o Bake the cake in a wonder mold cake pan or use an oven-proof metal or glass bowl.
o Buy pink icing or add red food coloring to white icing to make it pink.
o Cool the cake on wire rack.
o Once the cake is cool, turn it upside down on a board or large plate covered with aluminum foil. Insert a doll pick into the center top of the cake.
o Using your pink icing bag and the rose tip #124, make a zigzag motion to create a ruffle at the bottom of the cake, ‘trimming the gown’. Creating at least three rows of ruffles is best; you can make more if you like, either using the rose tip #124 or a smaller tip for variation.
o Change the tip to a star tip size #18 and cover the cake to the doll pick, thus finishing the skirt.
o Change the tip to a star tip size #16 and cover the top of the gown, making two rows around the neck and shoulders.
o With the white icing and flower tip #190, make white flowers on the skirt and the shoulder of the gown. You can also use this to put hair on the doll, if there is none.
o Using the piping tip on the pink icing bag, put a pink dot into the center of each white flower.
Ladybug Cake
• Materials needed:
o Board
o Aluminum foil
o 4 boxes of cake mix
o 2 – 10″ round cake pan(s)
o 2 – 6″ round cake pan(s)
o Icing bags
o Knife
o Round tip size #5
o Star tip size #18
• Instructions:
o Make two (2) ten inch round cakes and two six inch round cakes, as per the instructions on the box.
o Once the cakes have cooled, ice one (1) 10″ cake the place the 2nd 10″ cake atop the 1st.
o Using a knife, trim the cake layers to create the body rounded ladybug body.
o Ice (1) of the 6″ cakes bottom side up then place then place the 2nd 6″ cake atop it.
o Using the knife, shape the 6″ cake layers into the head of the ladybug, working until you’ve got a rounded shape, akin to a ladybug head.
o Using the star tip size #18, ice the ladybug’s entire body with red icing. You could also use a spatula or a knife to ice it for a smoother finish, if you like.
o Using the black icing, outline the eyes. Then, using white icing with a round tip size #5, fill in the eyes on the ladybug’s head. The blue will be on the bottom part of the eye.
o Use red icing with the size #5 tip to fill in the mouth.
o Ice the rest of the head in black then create the spots on the body.
o Finally, using black icing, draw a line down the ladybug’s back.
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